
Using bear with nvalt
Using bear with nvalt

Having used “Copy as Link”, you can paste “the” link in a document or field of a target app (e.g., TextEdit, Mail.app, nvALT).The name of the source and its URL are included. In fact, it puts lots of link data in the copy buffer, in different formats so that the app in which you paste the link can choose what format to use. when you use the Copy as Link command, Hook puts a link in the copy buffer.And the topic will inspire our further documentation and screencasts (and perhaps people will use the info for blogs and other forums.)

using bear with nvalt

This will hopefully help clarify matters for others too. The note is created with title but no links. I open a topical webpage “hub” (?) and click Link to New and point to BEAR. E.g., if you just tend to read documents once if when one creates new documents one don’t like to consult other documents and if one doesn’t tend to refer to files in shared repositories or prior emails if, more generally context is not that important to one’s work flow, then something like Hook wouldn’t appeal to one.

using bear with nvalt

Of course, it’s possible that one’s work does not sufficiently revolve around focal documents. (Similarly, learning to use Finder, Spotlight and launchers takes a bit of time). It does require that one gets the hang of creating and accessing links. The general idea is this: accessing documents via search tends to be more effortful and time consuming than using links and it wipes out working memory. Maybe we should parcel them out, and create new videos, for each of the benefits listed here

using bear with nvalt

The videos illustrate quite a few (e.g., illustrating how it helps in creating new documents, and in learning from complex documents). We do intend to produce more videos that would speak to a wider audience, and use cases. It sounds like you’re saying that you don’t find the videos compelling. I can see rather than just read about the usefulness.

Using bear with nvalt